Guide & Skill Build Tempest Level 90 Dragon Nest

Tempest is one job that is in boost in the latest update. Damage Board Boost's form of an increase for almost all of his skill in Line. I think it is very necessary indeed Boost for Acrobat, including Tempest. Because since the Spirit Boost Self Buff made, this job becomes a little lost resale value in the Party. I hope with the Boost, the Acrobat can return showing in the world per DPS's.

Armor: AGI + VIT
Weapon + Ring: PATK + AGI
Earring + Necklace: AGI + VIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Wind, Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Bear/Ultimate

Potensi DPS

- Gear used together with Acrobat Analysis Class
- Skill Full Hit + Buff
- I do not relate to Spirit Boost

Skill Build
Build ini saya gunakan untuk PVE dan PVP.

Magic Arrow
  want however Magic Arrow DPS remains the best Skill Archer Skill Tree. Damage is still higher

Multi Shot
This skill does not have a great potential of DPS in PVE, but it is useful to knock the opponent and prevent opponents from approaching in PVP.

Tempest Skill Line
All skill in my Tempest Line Rev up Peak Level (6, 10, 11, 16, etc.) in order to damage it more leverage.

Air Pounce
DPS potential of his big right but why am I not to increase them? Current DPS potential is great but after a boost not. Anyway I would need a lot of skill on Line spam Tempest to reduce the cooldown Ultimate Skill (Astrall Illusion), rather than having to jump (LOL).

Eagle Dive
It's the first time I did not raise Eagle Dive to Peak Level / Max since 24. Berat Cap hell, but I have to adjust to the fact that the potential of DPS Eagle Dive was not too big. Developers still bear-bear impressed increase your damage. Examine the Potential of DPS after Boost, DPS The potential difference Blooming Kick Eagle Dive with more than 2X.

Blooming Kick
This skill suddenly Eagle Dive took place in my heart. Blooming Kick Max level besides having great potential of DPS in PVE, is also useful to stun enemies in PVP. Indeed, the skill area is not great, but I started to get used to using the Blooming Kick every Delay.

Cyclone Kick
Cyclone Kick casting non EX does have a rather long time, but we must not forget that this skill also has an iframe in the initial cast. Damage is also quite large in PVE and PVP.

Spiral Edge
I picked it up just for PVP purposes only, to submit to Astrall PVE affairs Iluusion.

Astral Illusion
In theory does Astrall Illusion has the greatest potential of DPS, but the reality on the ground can be different again. Barriers are only on the casting time skill rather long and consists of many hits, so that when the enemy moves could disrupt DPS.

Hurricane Dance
It was great to Hurricane Damage Dance restored (Cap 80), so that the potential of DPS will increase later after Boost.

Skill Heraldry
- Astrall Illusion (damage)
- Spirit Boost (cooldown)
- Double Somersault Kick (damage)
- Spiral Vortex (damage)
Optional: Blooming, Kick Shot, Binding Shot, Hurricane Dance, Cyclone Kick (damage)

- Spiral Edge (damage)
- Spirit Boost (cooldown)
- Double Somersault Kick (damage)
- Spiral Vortex (action speed)
Optional:  Kick Shot, Binding Shot, Hurricane Dance, Cyclone Kick (damage), Blooming Kick (reset cooldown)

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