Guide & Skill Build Dark Summoner Level 90 Dragon Nest

In Cap 90, Dark Summoner get good news, because the consumption of MP's flagship Buff be small. Well although Buff eventually become Self Buff, nonetheless it makes the consumption reduction can often Stacking Dark Summoner Buff. Damage to some skill was improved (read: Analysis Screamer Class). I'm just disappointed with Rampage Claw damage reduction, even though it's one skill that I rely on in PVE. Well even though the increase is not as big damage Dark Summoner Soul Eater, but I am still happy to use Dark Summoner especially in PVP.

Armor: INT + VIT atau INT + CRIT
Weapon + Ring: DARK + INT
Necklace + Earring: INT + VIT atau INT + CRIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Magician, Intellect (Wise), Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Ultimate/Blessed

DPS Potential

- Gear used together with Screamer Analysis Class
- Damage / DPS and Full Hit Buff / Debuff

Skill Build

Build PVE

Soul Wind vs Despair Needle
Same with Soul Eater Skill Build. Soul Wind has a range of skills that far forward and can penetrate that could hit many targets in parallel, while Despair Needle has a small area of the attack and skill animations long time is 5 seconds.

Phantom Claw
I raise this skill to Peak Level as there Phantom Claw Bubble Bubble as Critical reached 20 and after using the Recent Bubble Area. Phantom Claw Bubble it has a greater damage is 3x of damage Phantom Claw (if there is one correction it).

Chain Claw
DPS potential of its entry into the TOP 3, so it does not hurt to increase them up to the Peak level.

Phantom Rage
DPS potential of its smallest among other skills in Dark Summoner Line.

Revenge Hand + Rampage Claw
Revenge Hand has a great potential of DPS, while Rampage Claw has a large area.

Recent Area
Most Skill Dark Summoner is the Range, so it uses a Skill Area Recent DPS Cap 90 is somewhat less precise. I increase them in order to use the Phantom Claw Bubble.

Spirit Paper vs Soul Gate vs Spirit Beast
Potential DPS Paper Spirit and Soul Gate was exposed to enemy Stigma of Curse (Branded). If not in Branded first, then the potential of DPS will be smaller. That's the one reason I raise the Spirit Beast. Because I like to forget using the Stigma of Curse when using Dark Summoner. Maybe it is because Screamer was not able to do Witchcraft and I was more focused gameplay to Skill in Line Dark Summoner to search Bubble. Other reasons anyway because Spirit and Soul Gate Paper non EX somewhat less good to be DPS.

Grudge Formation
Increasing its level will only increase the damage is only, while Buff PARK / MATK no effect.

Chaos Formation
Wide area and its potential, including large DPS.

Build PVP
Skill Build similar to PVE only differ in skill Time alone.

Spirit Blow + Despair Needle + Negative Ghost
Spirit Blow skill can cancel enemies at once dropped the enemy. Furthermore, if it is dropped can use Needle Despair so the enemy could not immediately Wake Attack. Negative Ghos can be used to bounce the approaching enemy.

Blitz Claw
This skill has Iframe which can be a lifesaver. In addition, Blitz Claw had a great damage also in PVP.

Chain Claw
I've relied on to strike down enemies Chain Claw.

Rampage Claw
Each Peak Level (6,11,16 etc.), Rampage Claw not only obtain an increase in damage but also increases the possibility stun.

Recent Area
At the time of Mastery Test Class I in PVP, I can not turn on the Recent Area Bubble Bubble when it was collected 20. These include Error or description Mastery Class I (PVP) is wrong. If you really can not use Recent Bubble Area in PVP, better not to increase them just for pvp build.

Beast Spirit + Chaos Formation
I used to be combined with Chaos Formation and damage is also quite large in PVP.

Skill Heraldry
- Revenge Hand (damage)
- Phantom Claw (damage)
- Chain Claw (damage)
- Chaos Formation (damage)
Optional: Rampage Claw. Beast Spirit (damage) Phantom Avenger, Grudge Formation (cooldown)

- Chain Claw (reset cooldown chance)
- Blizt Claw (damage)
- Chaos Formation (damage)
- Ravenge Hand (cooldown)
Optional: Phantom Avenger (cooldown) Rampage Claw, Phantm Claw (damage)

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