Guide & Skill Build Abyss Walker Level 90 Dragon Nest

Abyss Walker is one job that would be my first leveling-kan (perhaps after Smasher / Soul Eater :P). I am very interested in Skill Boost and Line of Instant Darkness. prices Plate Skill for skill Abyss Walker started creeping up, Cap 90 And later in the Gambling Skill Plate Pouch be less need Fragment dimesional Gem, hehehe.
      The increase in damage almost all skill Skill Abyss Walker makes me so upset to make Skill Build in Cap 90 (not like making Gear Master Skill Build). Based postAnalisis Bringer Class, among all skill Abyss Walker Nightfall only are decreased damage. This means that the Cap 90, Abyss Walker bullet just focus on skill Dark alias back kejalur correct.

Armor: AGI + VIT
Weapon + Ring: Dark + AGI
Earring + Necklace: AGI + VIT

Dark Attack vs Physical Attack (PATK)
Honestly I'm getting a little bored when asked which is better Dark Attack or PATK to Abyss Walker. I always answered Dark Attack definitely better, because all it elemenent Skill Dark Abyss Walker. As proof let the calculations as in Gear Master Skill Build:
Abyss Walker (PATK)
- PATK: 53081
- Dark Attack: 70% (Full Buff)
Abyss Walker (Dark Attack)
- PATK: 46 349
- Dark Attack: 102% (Full Buff)

Calculate Damage one skill that Line of Darkness EX
- Board Damage: 2361%
- Coefficient: 3 Board Damage

Abyss Walker (PATK)
Damage: (53081 x 23.61) x 3 x 1.7 = 6391536

Abyss Walker (Dark Attack)
Damage: (46349 x 23.61) x 3 x 2.02 = 6631457

Well, already described Abyss Walker who play Dark Atack will be superior. Just imagine the damage it does to Abyss Walker differences that uses Tough Earring + Necklace (Full Dark), would be even greater damage it.

Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Wind, Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Bear/Ultimate

Skill Build
This time I will just give two Skill Build course is PVE and PVP, but as usual I will provide potential DPS table beforehand:
Note: Calculations using Gear / Equip Abyss Walker (Dark)

Build PVE

Fan of Edge
Some of my friends already protested about this skill. They find it strange why I love to raise fan of Edge. The answer is almost all Char I use Pure Build PVE, including Assassin char too. Pure PVE means I raise the skill that has great DPS, one of which is Fan of Edge. Well even if damage is reduced in Cap 90, but I have not been able to move on or find substitutes for other DPS skill in Assassin Skill Tree. For those that do not fit with my gameplay, you are free to choose the skills that you like.

No Ring Strike 
In DPS, Ring Strike Dark Skill can not match the other. Whereas the above calculation using Total 21 Hits, but the potential DPS still comes out the bottom. With Build as above, to raise the Ring Strike Level 1 I have to sacrifice 13 Skill Point (10 SP for download under the Chakra Energy Skill and SP's 3 Ring Strike lv 1). Compared should throw SP for great Skill DPS not better I allocate to other Skill alone.

Chakra Cure
In DPS, Ring Strike Dark Skill can not match the other. Whereas the above calculation using Total 21 Hits, but its potential remains sorted DPS bottom. With Build as above, to raise the Ring Strike Level 1 I have to sacrifice 13 Skill Point (10 SP for download under the Chakra Energy Skill and SP's 3 Ring Strike lv 1). Compared should throw SP for great Skill DPS not better I allocate to other Skill alone

Illusion Chakra
Abyss Walker level 90 would already know what the use of this skill. Its purpose is to reduce the Line of Darkness Instant Cooldown. If Illusion Chakra managed to hit the enemy will decrease the LOD INS Cooldown 27 seconds. Line of Darkness instant has a cooldown of 27 seconds as well, so if Illusion Chakra continue to hit the enemy then Cooldown LOD INS will equal the cooldown Illusion Chakra. Illusion Chakra level 10 (MAX) has a 12 second cooldown, meaning you can use the LOD INS every 12 seconds (originally managed to hit the enemy). I actually have a plan to use a Skill Ring +1 and Plate cooldown (intention mode), so it can cooldown 8 seconds (already like Iron alternating LOD).

Abyss Walker Skill

Just look at the potential of DPS table above, the sixth Skill at Abyss Walker Line overran ratings DPS Skill 1-6. This is an effect of the Abyss Walker Boost which I've discussed in Analysis Bringer Class. Potential DPS with almost evenly like that, I guess it would not hurt to restore Abyss Walker into the path of darkness. Maybe anyone ask why Ultimate Skill Abyss Walker (Dark Conviction) could be in the Top 2 DPS. You can see why in the Light Fury Skill Build.

Nightfall had become TOP DPS Abyss Walker in the last 80 Cap, Cap 90, however, the damage is reduced sizable ie nearly 50%, even debuff also reduced from + 32% to + 20% Damage. I actually had wanted to increase them up to level 1 as the problem of increasing per-level damage is not too great. Let me count it:
Nightfall lv 1: 102% per hit
Nightfall lv 11: 113% per hit
Max Hit: 20x Hit
Mid Hit: 1.5x board damage (position monster in the middle Nightfall)
Coefficient: 20 x 1.5 = 30x Board damage

Nightfall lv 1: 102% x 30 = 3060%
Nightfall lv 11: 113% x 30 = 3390%
increased: 3390% - 3060% = 330%

Tuhkan Level 1 with 11 difference is not too great. Let me count the increase in DPS between level 1 to 11.
Cooldown: 30 seconds
Increased DPS: 330% / 30 = 11% / sec (imuth really)

Compared Nightfall, an increase Fan of Edge from level 16 to 26, an even greater 16%. Or you can also use 10 SP to increase the Shadow Hand level 6 which has a 26% increase in DPS.

I'm sure there who do not understand my point above. The bottom line with the conditions of damage Nightfall in Cap 90, I hesitated with 3 of these options;
1. Fan of Edge Nightfall lv lv 16 and 11 (such as the build above)
2. Fan of Edge lv lv 26 and Nightfall 1
3. Fan of Edge lv 16 Shadow Hand and Nightfall lv lv 6 1

Build PVP

Shadow Hand + Triple Edge + Piercing Strike
As usual third this skill to combo in PVP gear.

Ring Strike
Ring Strike got in early Cast  IFrames and can also be used to lock the fallen enemy. Strike Ring is also very effective to lock the enemy in the area Nightfall EX.

Chakra of Healing + Healing of Ajna
I did not raise both these skills because it requires each of 10 Skill Point (Boros once). Chakra of Healing also do not have the ability to recover HP, so I guess it does not really matter also increased. Better Skill Skill The point is given to other, more useful.

Illusion Chakra
PVP was no reduction in cooldown to any increase this skill, so I think it's useless also increased MAX.

Shadow Focus
I was forced to reduce the Shadow Focus up to level 6 in order to raise the Ring Strike lv 1. I think is the difference damage is also not too far away in PVP.

Unlike the troubled PVE between level 1 or Max. In PVP I prefer to MAX because the damage is in the Ladder / PVP bigger and it's effect to accelerate the decline of HP enemy.

Ring of Energy
You would not be possible using a Full Hit Ultimate Skill Abysswalker. Ultimate Skill Light Fury (Ring of Energy) are more easily subject Full hit and damage is also great in PVP.

Skill Heraldry
1. Line of Darkness (damage)
2. Illusion Chakra (cooldown)
3. Illusion Strike (damage)
Optional: Nightfall (cooldown), Dark Conviction, Night Exploison, Shadow Focus, Plasma Burst (damage)

1. Line of Darkness (damage)
2. Illusion Strik (damage)
3. Nightfall (action speed)
Optional: Illusion Strike (cooldown), Chakra of Energy (Heal Rate),

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