Guide & Skill Build Ripper Level 90 Dragon Nest

Ripper almost had the same fate with Raven in Cap 90. Job is rising in Cap 80 is suddenly dimmed in Cap 90. This could be due to increased potency DPS not too big, Cap 90. Job should still make the gameplay is rather complicated in PVE, the increase in damage is much greater.
     Izuna Drop and Cripple Punisher obtain the greatest damage reduction for Ripper. Both of these skills are related because at the time of Cripple Punisher, clone could do Izuna Drop. Cripple means Punisher get 2x losses, the first Board last dikurangin damage is damage Izuna Drop Clone also reduced. Fortunately the damage other sizable raised some even more than 100%, so that it can cover the lack of DPS on the Izuna Drop and Cripple Punsiher. Hope I still hope there is a rise more damage unfit for Job-Job Element with such complicated gameplay Ripper.

Armor: AGI + VIT
Weapon + Ring: FIRE+ AGI
Earring + Necklace: AGI + VIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Wind, Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Bear/Ultimate

DPS Potential

- PATK: 50000, Fire Attack: 50% dan Dark Attack: 18%
- Skill Full Hit + Buff

Skill Build

Build PVE
Build without Dedicated Crow (Heal)

Build with Dedicated Crow (Heal)

Fan of Edge
There is no other choice for PVE skill. Fan of Edge is already the most DPS compared to other DPS Skill Assassin Skill Tree.

Shift Blow
One of the skills that get the effect Mastery Class II (INS 90) .Shift blow has great potential of DPS as well and ranks 3rd largest.

Camouflage (Flame Locust)
Level 16've Peak Level because it has great damage and rapid cooldown.

Blade Runner vs Applause
Both of these skills have a cooldown equal and debuff. Blade Runner Element EX has a debuff reducing Applause Defence and reduce Critical Resist. Judging from the damage it does Blade Runner Board is superior, but can also excel when Applause 2x Damage. After I count on Ripper Full Potential DPS Fire, Blade Runner EX managed to lead nearly 2X of Applause 2x Damage. Some people say, Blade Runner is less effective because the damage is not going out if not menghit monster (Melepasmu name is also Miss). It's too pessimistic, a period of 70-80 Cap reason is still the same. My reckoning anyway, if you miss a 3x to 5x Cast in Blade Runner, it still has a DPS greater than 5x Applause (Normal) about the enemy.

Mortal Blow vs Rain Drop
Perhaps you wonder, how Rain Drop that have elements could defeat the Dark Potential DPS Mortal Blow the Fire element. Some may not understand about the coefficient of each Skill. Indeed Mortal Blow has a Board Damage greater in the skill description, but Full Hit Rain Drop is 8x Board Damage indicated. Simpel we try to compare me Mortal Blow vs Rain Drop (Level 11).
Mortal Blow: 1250%
Rain Drop: 351% x 8 = 2808%
Quite far right? Mortal Blow fortunately the damage could be helped by the Fire Attack Ripper. In addition, Mortal Blow has fewer Hit number (1 Hits) so the potential for a full hit is greater than the 8 Rain Drop Hit.

Izuna Drop
Duh me lazy discuss this skill. At first I thought to increase them only level 1, cuman still did not have the heart. Anyways it Izuna Drop included skill INS 90 as well, so I think it is still quite feasible to level 11.

Cripple Punisher
Kinship with Izuna Drop, this skill also receive DPS considerable decline in Cap 90. But Cripple Punisher (clone mode) still has the potential of DPS that much better than the Izuna Drop.

Artful Chaser
This skill is still maintained its position as DPS Skill TOP Ripper.

Build PVP

Shadow Hand + Piercing Strike + Triple Edge
As usual, I always use a third Assassin's skill in PVP.

Applause + Punishment + Izuna Drop
The third skill is to have a fairly large damage in PVP.

Rain Drop + Mortal Blow
3x CTC is very useful in PVP

The End
Ultimate Skill Raven is sometimes I use in PVP, especially when fighting the enemy Sorceress or job-job that could Counter Attacks Cripple Punisher.

Dedicated Crow
I copy and paste the description Raven Skill Build wrote it, hehehe.
"I noticed there are many Chaser are less able to use this skill in the Ladder / PVP. Heal can only be obtained if you hit the Magic only. You must wait for the enemy issued a new skill menabrakan into skill, for example Poison Missile (Toxic Spray) Sorce or Lightning zap Paladin etc. the reason is so that you can get 1-2x Heal. never crashed myself to Skill that have big damage yes. I love to laugh when wearing Saleana (Pyromancer) in Ladder, No Chaser hited into Rolling Lava EX (that does his name was overdrawn / loss) ;P. "

Skill Heraldry
- Shift Blow (action speed)
- Cripple Punisher (cooldown)
- Artful Chaser (action speed)
- Arsonist (cooldown)
Optional: Izuna Drop, Camouflage (damage), Blade Runner, Rain Drop (cooldown)

- Shift Blow (action speed)
- Cripple Punisher (cooldown)
- Artful Chaser (action speed)
- Izuna Drop (cooldown)
Optional: Camouflage (damage), Blade Runner, Rain Drop, Punishment (cooldown)

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