Guide & Skill Build Moonlord (Lunar Knight) Level 90 Dragon Nest

Reviewed This post I will give you two Skill Build will I use in Cap 90. As always, I prefer to Build the Pure PVE and PVP there was a touch too for Ladder. You do not stare that I gave Skill Build is 100% correct. If something does not fit, you are free to modify the Skill Build or give advice.

Armor: INT + VIT
Weapon: MATK + INT + VIT
Ring: MATK + INT + VIT
Earring + Necklace: INT + VIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Magician, Intellect, Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Iron Wall, Fatal, Ultimate/Wind.

Moonlord Skill Build

Build 1

   Build more my first allotment for PVE with the help of some Skill DPS.

 Breaking Point
The latest in the Buff Warrior Tree is mandatory you take to increase 10% MATK.

Circle Break vs Impact Wave
As usual, the second this skill always makes my dilemma. If you remember my Build, Cap 80, I prefer Impact Wave than Circle Break. The reason is to have Board Wave Impact Damage by MATK and bigger anyway. How to Cap 90? Lunar Knight could breathe because Board Skill Damage Cap 90 has been adjusted to the Status of Main Character. So either Wave or Circle Break Impact damage is based MATK Lunar Knight us. With so I could compare with it ok:

Board Damage
Circle Break lv 25: 446%, CD 11 sec.
Impact Wave lv 26: 354%, CD 13 sec.
The result has been explained, Circle Break lv 25 superior. Another advantage of the Circle Break is we get a bonus Iframe (a condition where it can not Hit Char) for 0.3 seconds. So to Cap 90, if you are faced with this skill between the two, I would suggest to take the Circle Break.

Triple Slash vs Front Shove vs Hacking Stance vs Line Drive
Previously I have already explained that the Physical Skill to Lunar Knight will be calculated based MATK. So there is nothing wrong not to raise one of skill in Line Gladiator. Now the question is which one DPS Skill and best casting. Let's further analysis:

Board Damage
Triple Slash lv 16: 1887%
Front Shove lv 16: 1465%
Hacking Stance lv 16: 415%
Line Drive lv 11: 2042%

Judging from the Board damage is Line Drive came out ahead, but do not forget to compute Damage Full Hit ya.

Full Hit
Triple Slash lv 16: 1887%
Front Shove lv 16: 1465%
Hacking Stance lv 16: 415% x 14 = 5810%
Line Drive lv 11: 2042%
Wow! Hacking Stance turned out well ahead once ya. Next, let us count the DPS,

Triple Slash lv 16: 1887%/12 = 157%
Front Shove lv 16: 1465%/13 = 113%
Hacking Stance lv 16: 5810%/20 = 291%
Line Drive lv 11: 2042%/27 = 76%

I took the two best Skill yes between Triple Slash or Hacking Stance. Why in Skill Build Triple Slash I choose? the warrior must have known that Hacking Stance Casting Time it takes longer for a Full Hit. Casting for 6 seconds can disrupt the rotation for Moonlord Skill else. In addition, the Area attack Hacking Stance (non EX) is very small so for a Full Hit should be close to the enemy (of course it is risky is not it?).

Increased levels for Brave make Buffnya longer time, therefore I Raise MAX.

Provoking Slam (Luring Slash)
Unlike the Brave, increased levels of this skill will only increase the damage is only, while buffnya still remain. So no need MAX, right?

Moonlight Splitter
Why do not I MAX? This return to a private matter anyway. Char I have no Chas Weapon / Skill Heraldry +1 for Moonlight Splitter. So the loss if I took the MAX but could not reach level 21. This is because, Peak Skill Damage was in Level 6, 11, 16, 21 and 26.

Cyclone Slash
Honestly, I was a little heavy increase this skill. Although the damage is already at Boost, but I'm still not comfortable with Casting Time for Full hit. Number of Cyclone Slash Hit Hit it is 16, so the damage skillnya divided 16 for approximately 5-6 seconds. Well, if the enemy moves or blurring of Cyclone Slash damage is certainly not optimal and consistent. You do not need to care curhatan above, anyway I also scaling up until level 16. Anyway the first positive thinking alone and trying to find the best timings that Cyclone Damage Slash can be maximized.

Crescent Cleave + Halfmoon Slash
I suggest to Crescent Cleave Skill Skill you should use +1 to damage it more leverage in Level 16. Damage Board's second skill is increased in Cap 90, but because of the effect of changes Debuff Cyclone Slash Offline and EX, both DPS skill is not so significant rise instead tends to fall when compared Cap 80.

Great Wave
As the name implies Great, then the increase in damage of this skill in Cap 90 is very large. Even in my previous analysis, Great Wave is a skill that increased DPS largest among all skill Moonlord.

Moonblade Dance
Top Skill for Lunar Knight DPS is already mandatory for MAX. Moreover, the Cap 90 damage is increased as well, so that its position as DPS TOP unmoved.

Flash Stance
I'm excited when I see this in Boost Skill, too, but after deeper analysis turns DPS differ only slightly with Cap 80.

Flash Stance INS
Well this is the reason I maximize Flash Stance in Cap 90, because Moonlord Spam can perform this skill. In Cap 80, I only use this skill in PVP, but in Cap 90 I have to get used to doing Spam Flash Stance INS. For those who still do not like doing Spam Flash Stance INS, you can increase them up to a level 1 or 6. So buildnya be like this:

Build 2

   as I said earlier, if Build 2 is only for players who do not like Spam Flash Stance INS. You can do a combination like this:

- Flash Stance lv 1 + Circle Break 21 + Impact Wave 6
- Flash Stance lv 6 + Circle Break 21 + Impact Wave 1

Note:My advice does begin to get used to doing Spam Flash Stance INS.

Build 3

    Build a little different from the first, in this third Build me more mempertimbakan Skill for PVE and PVP.

Circle Break + Rising Slash + Impact Wave lv 6
The third skill is very useful to facilitate combo in PVP. Circle Break has IFrames 0.3 seconds and Super Armor Break large to cancel the skill of the enemy. Rising Slash can lift enemies and have Paralyze passable. Impact Wave also has Super Armor break Area and greater, and can lift enemies as well.

Cyclone Slash lv 1 
Build a little hesitant at first with this skill in PVE. Because this third Build I use for PVP as well, so I opted to increase them up to the level 1 course. So its function in PVE and PVP only Debuff or Lock enemies.

Flash Stance
Flash Stance has considerable damage in PVP and a considerable distance. Moreover, with the help of Mastery Class II, we can perform the skill Spam Flash Stance INS. My custom heck Ladder uses this skill to repay the enemy from a distance.

Until Skill Build Third in Post I am still confused about where to put the rest of the 7 Skill Point, you may no input?

Heraldy Skill
1. Crescent cleave (Damage)
2. Halfmoon Slash (Action Speed/Damage)

3. Moon Blade Dance (Damage)
Optional: Moonlight Spliter, Great Wave, Triple Slash (Damage) dan Side Kick (Action Speed)

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