Guide & Skill Build Sting Breezer Level 90 Dragon Nest

The next sequence of Skill Build Sting Breezer (Mystic Lance) Skill Build Level 90. The experience of using Sting Breezer in Cap previously quite encouraging, particularly for PVE. That's because Sting Breezer including jobs that have attacks Light, so that its presence in the Light Party could boosting sizable damage.
      His fate is somewhat different in PVP. During Ladder Sting Breezer from scratch out, I had never even entered Rating 2000. The problem has always dikehabisan MP and combo skill. I note none Sting Breezer can rate upward Server 2000 that I played. This could be due Sting Breezer is less suitable when used for PVP. I still had to play Hopeless Sting Breezer in Ladder, let alone use Build PVE. I became a little hesitant when making PVP Build for Sting Breezer, fear still less able to help many of the world's PVP.

Armor: INT + VIT atau INT + CRIT
Weapon + Ring: LIGHT + INT
Earring + Necklace: INT + VIT atau  INT + CRIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Magician, Intellect (Wise), Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Ultimate/Blessed

DPS Potential
- Skill Full Hit + Buff
- AF: Arcane Focus
- PB: Poking Beehive

Skill Build

Build PVE

Cross Cutter
Cross Cutter has the potential of DPS is the highest among all the skill in Lancea Skill Tree.

Hovering Blade
Potential skills that have the highest DPS, so I used to Peak Level only.

Spinning Cut vs Spear Hand
Among all Skill in Line Flurry, Spining Cut has the greatest potential of DPS. DPS potential is even greater than the Spear Hand EX. Cut the excess Spinning is a non Skill element that will be useful when the element resist Boss Nest / Great Raid and wide area attacks.

Lollipop Chups vs Fling-Fling
Unlike the Skill Build Flurry, DPS The potential difference Chups Lollipop and-Fling Fling quite far. That is because Fling Fling-a skill element Light. Skill Point limitations that made me confused when raise both this skill. for Simpel you can raise Fling Fling-level 15 + 1 and Chups Lollipop level 6, but I chose to raise Chups Lollipop and-Fling Fling level 11. The reason for the difference Total DPS not too much different from 16 ± 6 vs 11 + 11. Increase Lollipop Chops to level 11 can be more profitable Sting Breezer when dealing with a boss who has a big Element Resist.

Eratic Power + Scar Maker + Wall Maker
As I said in Flurry Skill Build, you must be able to set the third Fatigue of this skill. If no Healer do not force to stay activate eratic Power for your HP will continue to decrease and the road becomes slow. My advice every 10 Fatigue, you disable eratic Power for 10 seconds to restore Fatigue to 0. In addition, not too often Cast Scar / Wall Maker when eratic Active Power because it will accelerate Fatigue to 10. We recommend that each will use the Scar / Wall Maker eratic moment can turn off the Power.

Dent Blow
Dent Blow is a Skill INS for Sting Breezer so I Rev until MAX.

Spring Haze
This skill to reset the cooldown Dent Blow INS.

In Champagne damage is not too great but Buff + 25% Light attack useful to increase the damage Sting Breezer.

Arcane Focus
Cap 80 this skill only as Buff + Debuff, but an increase in damage in Cap 90 allows it to be ranked number two DPS.

Poking Beehive
Poking Beehive course has a great potential of DPS, but its main function is to blow up the EX Stike Piercing resulting combination of great skill with DPS.

Build PVP

Cross Cutter + Wheel Blade 
Skill for complementary combo in PVP

Headbutt can help emptiness skill skill for Sting Breezer. I have never met with Sting Breezer still playing headbutt in Ladder. Perhaps because the number of players in the DN SEA Sting Breezer very little.

Skill Line Flurry
Lollipop Chupa has the greatest damage among all the skill in Line Flurry. So I just raise Chups Lollipop until Max, remaining only as a supplement combo.

Hovering Blade
Quite difficult to use Hovering Blade EX + Arcane Focus on PVP. Because if you do not use it that way, damage is not so great. I therefore do not increase them MAX.

Spear Hand EX
Damage is considerable especially when the end of the Spear / spear is in the opponent's body, then the damage is going to 2.3x fold. Spear Hand can also be used to lift the enemy falling to the ground.

Piercing Strike 
So that damage Piercing Strike EX EX + Poking Beehive gets stronger, then I Rev Piercing Strike MAX.

Damage-Fling Fling in PVP is not as big as in PVE. I only use it to pursue / blurred: P.

Dent Blow
Damage is great and also the INS skill level 90.

Spring Haze
Its function is somewhat similar to Fan of Edge / Swift Shot, just a bigger version. This skill has a considerable damage and could make the enemy bounce in PVP. In addition, it could be to reset the INS skill level 90.

Champagne + Flying Sky
Champagne is very difficult to use for PVP for casting time too long. Therefore, as the other options I sometimes use the Flying Sky.

Arcane Focus
Damage is not too great in PVP, if need Skill Point you can reduce this skill to level 1. Hovering Blade or Dent Blow + Arcane Focus has a sizable damage in PVP, but it is rather difficult to do.

Poking Beehive
Combination Strike Piearcing EX EX + Poking Beehive has great damage is also in PVP, but difficult to do. You have to really make sure the enemy does not have Tumble or Escape. The most annoying is his casting can not be undone.

Skill Heraldry
- Piercing Strike (damage)
- Poking Beehive (cooldown)
- Dent Blow (damage)
- Hovering Blade (damage)
Optional: Fling-Fling, Lollipop Chups (cooldown) Cross Cutter, Spinning Cut (damage)

- Dent Blow (damage)
- Lollipop Chops (cooldown)
- Poking Beehive (cooldown)
- Headbutt (action speed)
Optional: Fling-Fling (cooldown), Cross Cutter, Spear Hand, Piercing Strike (damage)

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