Guide & Skill Build Raven Level 90 Dragon Nest

Raven is one of the DPS famous last 80 Cap. I've even said to be the most consistent DPS and suitable for all types of Boss. It dikarena Raven has a Skill with a casting time of rapid and sizable area attacks. In addition to the PVE, Raven also very fierce in PVP. I just sometimes annoyed with deadly combos.
       In Cap 90, Raven DPS potential is reduced because there is some damage reduction DPS Skill her. My friends who are concerned with the fate of the Raven already initiated that Change of Job to Abyss Walker. I still always optimistic when Raven still has its own place in the World Per DPS's. I remind you again, Boost Skill Update / nerf it still takes place every month. So there is the possibility Raven or other DPS's Job in Boost will weaken again. Praying alone .. ^^

Armor: AGI + VIT
Weapon + Ring: DARK + AGI
Earring + Necklace: AGI + VIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Wind, Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Ultimate/Bear

Skill Build

1. Gear / Equip is used by PATK 49000 Dark Raven and Dark Attack 75%.
2. Applause (2x D) = 2x Applause Damage
3. Umbra EX (SR) = Umbra for the enemy that can not Slow
4. Rain Drop Level 16 (15 + 1)

Build PVE

Fan of Edge
The reason is the same as the Light Fury or Abyss Walker Skill Build, since it does have a fairly high DPS potency among all the skill in Assassin Tree.

Triple Edge
This skill to reset the cooldown Rake INS

Open Edge 
Differences damage level 16 to 19 is not too far away and I also have no intention to increase them up to level 21. In addition, it could save 3 Skill Level Skill Point to raise another.

Applause Damage unique features, it can sometimes 2x Damage (depending on the position of our / enemies). Applause 2x Damage is still a DPS Top Raven Cap 80 since then.

Skill is required to Max because it is also in the INS Skill Level 90.

Rain Drop
Rain Drop I never thought I could beat her DPS Potential Rake. If you do not raise the Rain Drop to Level 16, it will lose its potency DPS bit by Rake.

Disappointed does see potential of DPS Punishment is not too high, even still be inferior to Camouflage. I scaling up until level 13 to boost DPS to get better, but you can just bring it down to level 11.

The End
Raven would not be possible to use his Ultimate Skill Ripper right? :p

Shift Blow vs Camouflage vs Blade Runner
Among all Skill in Line Ripper, it has a potential of three Skill DPS high enough. Each skill has its advantages and disadvantages. Camouflage has the highest potential DPS but a small area of the attack. Shift Blow has a somewhat larger area but casting time little longer. Blade Runner I do not recommend because DPS damage is not too big and will not come out if the attack did not hit the enemy. On second thought I prefer Camouflage because its total Hit less than Shift Blow (Camou: 2 Hit and SB: 5 Hits). Casting time so as to quickly and Total Hits less likely Full hit more easily.

In Cap 80, some people do not like this skill for the duration buff only 5 seconds. Raven position as DPS in Cap 90 is already in danger and I think Fade should rise to become Damage Booster you though only 5 seconds.

In Cap 80, I did not raise Umbra did not even take his EX for potential DPS too small. Seeing the potential of DPS Umbra on the enemy is immune EX Slow I became interested in scaling up to Max. If you need a Skill Point can also increase them only up to level 6.

Croocking Deadfall
Her potential DPS is the smallest among all Skill Dark but I still scaling up to MAX. I still hope the damage it does Developer returns to normal.

Build 2

Built to Raven who want to raise Dedicated Shadow (Heal)

The End
I was forced to lower the End to level 1 due to limitations Skill Point. The End leve 1 and 2 differ only 7% damage per Shuriken. If the calculated Full Hit the difference is:
- 7 x 33 hit = 231%
The difference is not too big too right.

As I said before, damage Umbra level 6 to 8 is not too much different.

Build 3
This built a question and less suited to Camouflage / Flame Locust. The next option is Mortal Blow.

Mortal Blow
This skill has a Casting Time fast, CTC 3x and IFrames. Compared with Camouflage, the area is greater. Well even though the DPS potential is quite low, but its use is more simple because you do not need any skill cooldown Spam completed. Usually I use a Mortal Blow when CTC is already 3x (54 seconds once).

Build PVP

Shadow Hand (6) + Piercing Strike (6) + Dirty Trick (6)
As usual gear for PVP Skill

Open Edge
for sufficiency Skill Point, I was forced to reduce this skill to level 1.

Applause + Rake + Rain Drop + Punishment
Fourth this skill has a great Damage in PVP so I keep it until the Peak Level (6, 11, 16, 21, 26).

No Cooldown reduction for each increase in level in PVP, so no need Max.

Mortal Blow
Skill for combo and have also IFrames. I wore it until level 11 in order to 3x CTC.

Izuna Drop
Her potential DPS in PVE is not large, but the damage is in a fairly large PVP.

Dedicated Shadow
I note there are many Raven are less able to use these skills in the Ladder / PVP. Heal can only be obtained if you hit the Magic only. You must wait for the enemy issuing new Skill menabrakan into skill, for example Poison Missile (Toxic Spray) Sorce or Lightning Zap Paladin etc. The reason is so that you can get 1-2x Heal. Never crashed myself to Skill that have big damage yes. I like to laugh when wearing Saleana (Pyromancer) in Ladder, No Chaser menabrakan into Rolling Lava EX (That does his name come up short / loss) ;P.

None of that has Resist Slow Char in PVP. In addition there is also a very rare enemy waited until the middle of Umbra EX burst. Therefore, I increase them up to level 1 only to frighten the enemy, making Slow and eliminate Block the Cleric,

Skill Heraldry
1. Rake (damage)
2. Rain Drop (cooldown)
3. Punishment (cooldown)
4. Applause (cooldown)
Optional: The End, Open Edge, Umbra (damage)

1. Izuna Drop (cooldown)
2. Rain Drop (cooldown)
3. Punishment (cooldown)
4. Applause (cooldown)
Optional: Rake (damage) Open Edge, The End (cooldown)

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