Guide & Skill Build Destroyer Level 90 Dragon Nest

In this post I will discuss about the Destroyer Skill Build Level 90. Honestly when beginning Cap 90, Class Warrior that attracted me was Destriyer. Not because of increased damage it, but because some of the skill changes. Destroyer as well as DPS is designed to be Tanker. That's what got me interested, because in Cap 80 I just made the Destroyer as a collection of char and never intend to equiping.

      I hope the future will appear Nest or Raid is quite difficult and painful, so Job-like Destroyer Job can be used for the Party. Right now, most of the party took a great Job Pure DPS and Healer, so many players who lack the potential of other Job. I wonder how the experience of the Destroyer during this 90 Cap.

Armor: STR + VIT 
Weapon: PATK + STR
Earring + Necklace: STR + VIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Bear, Health, Life Vitality, Shinning (Iron Wall), Tent, Fatal dan Blessed/Ultimate

Potential DPS

- Gear used together with Mercenary Class Analysis
- All Skill calculated and Full Hit Buff

Skill Build

Build PVE

Circle Break
DPS Potential Break Circle is large enough and has Iframe 0.3 seconds.


Just as a condition only, Potential DPS in Barbarian Skill Build course very small especially for Destroyer.

Demolition Fist 
DPS potential is greatest among Barbarian Skill Line, but the area is too small attacks.

Circle Swing vs Whirlwind vs Flying Swing
Actually, all three problems are the skill Skill Point. Some people think of lower levels to raise Flying Swing Swing Whirlwind + Circle Level 11 was very reasonable, as both a greater damage. Though the potential of DPS it was seen that the Flying Swing EX is far superior and even then not calculated the effect of INS Flying Swing. Let me give a clearer comparison tables only.

In the table above you can see that the increase in DPS for each Peak Potential Flying Swing Level is greater than or Whirlwind Circle Swing. So sacrifice Skill Point Flying Swing for Whirlwind was less precise. If the reason for Flying Swing EX rather difficult to Full Hit. Well although 1/2 Full Hit, DPS Potential Flying Swing EX is still larger than the Circle Swing and Whirlwind. Already Flying Swing Fix the problem, now lives Circle Swing vs Whirlwind Whirlwind level 11. Potential DPS slightly larger than the Circle Swing. I chose because of the possibility of Full Circle Swing Hit more easily and the area is quite extensive.

Punishing Swing + Ring Bomb + Rolling Attack
The third skill has a considerable potential of DPS under the Flying Swing. I suggest to have to use Skill Bomb Ring Ring + 1, so that the potential maximum DPS.

Cyclone Axe vs Gigantic Bomb

Limitations Skill Point so I can only choose one of them. Cyclone Axe DPS does have the potential for greater, but more instant Giganic Bomb Hit.

Highlander (Life Saver)
The problem is still the same as the previous need 10 Skill Points to increase them. If you want to raise the Life Saver can reduce Circle Swing to level 1. My opinion on Life Saver for Destroyer heck of need or do not need. Need to save Destroyer of One Hit KO Skill Raid Boss. Duration is indeed going down to 5 seconds when HP Destroyer below 1%, but within 5 seconds it can still activate the Class Destroyer Master I could Heal HP by 3% per 2 seconds (5 seconds to 6% -9% HP) and use Havoc Howl (+ 116% HP) + Howl Charging (Barier 20% HP). Do not need it if you're just playing it safe in Solo Dungeon-nest Nest Abyss and ordinary.

Howl Charging

This skill like Guardian Force belongs Guardia, only cooldown too long.

Maelstorm Howl
Skill use the complete Destroyer because it has a great potential of DPS, Buff damage by VIT and decrease the damage debuff enemies.

Build PVP

Rising Slash + Circle Break 
All Warrior PVP Build me certainly raise both this skill to combo.

I raise Stomp level 11 just to get a debuff slow for 6.5 seconds. Slow it can greatly interfere with the movement of the enemy.

Flying Swing + Punishing Swing
Damage both are not as big on the PVE. Additionally Flying Full Swing rather difficult to hit in PVP. In fact I often use it to hold an opponent whose skill big damage.

Circle Swing + Whirlwind + Ring Bomb + Rolling Attack
Fourth this skill has a great damage in PVP.

Devitalizing Howl
clear this skill is used to remove Buff and Silent enemy. The increase in the level it will eliminate more and Silent Buff longer.

Maelstrom Howl

I've told you, Howl Maelstrom is the complete package Destroyer skill. 

Skill Heraldry


1. Ring Bomb (damage)
2. Iron Skin  (cooldown)
3. Howl Charging (cooldown)
4. Maelstorm Howl (cooldown)
Optional: Havoc Howl(cooldown), Gigantic Bomb, Rolling Attack, Flying Swing, Punishing Swing (damage) Crisis Howl (reset cooldown)


1. Maelstorm Howl (cooldown)
2. Side Kick (action speed)
3. Ring Bomb (damage)
4. Rolling Attack (damage)
Optional: Relieve, Cyclone Axe (cooldown)

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