Guide & Skill Build Guardian Level 90 Dragon Nest

On Cap 90, Guardian regained hope of escape from the problems of discrimination Job. Developers actually designing Skill Guardian to become Tanker. I was a little odd when they ask about the type of DPS Guardian. Although in the Boost Guardian sizable but still will not be able to be DPS. Unless you are just being Solo Player only, so the need to raise the skills-skills that have great potential of DPS to finish Solo Nest / Dungeon quickly.

Armor: STR + VIT
Weapon + Ring: LIGHT + STR/VIT atau PATK + STR/VIT
Earring + Necklace: STR + VIT

Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Bear, Health, Life Vitality, Tent, Shinning (Iron Wall), Fatal dan Wind/Ultimate/Blessed

Potensi DPS
Note :
- Skill Full Hit + Buff
- Holy Kick + Plate = Half Turn Kick + Holy Kick (action speed) / cooldown:  1 seconds
- Holy Kick (16/2) = digunakan setiap 2 detik sekali (cd 2 detik)/ no plate
- Holy Kick (16/3) - (16/5) = cast Holy Kick on 3-5 per seconds.

Skill Build

Build PVE

Build 2
Built for those who like the Stance of Faith Max

Divine Combo 
Cap 90 is I do not recommend you raise Divine Combo for Max because of the potential DPS very small. You can increase them to the level 1 or 6.

Holy Kick vs Sacred Hammering
Comparing both quite difficult because it depends on the Gameplay respectively. While playing I preferred the Guardian Full Gameplay Skill or Spam is not just one skill alone. In PVE I rarely play a kick because I feel it is less effective if used as the main DPS Guardian. You can calculate yourself how many seconds once you use Holy Kick by recording them on video when Nest / Dungeon. Well if the average Holy Kick you use more than 6 seconds once, I suggest you Rev A to level 6.

Sacred Hammering also similar to Holy Kick, if you rarely use the normal hit the Potential DPS will not be as big as the above. Skill destroyer dilemma between right-click (Holy Kick) or left-click (Sacred Hammering). My habit still more frequent Normal Hit (left click), so I chose Sacred Hammering level 11.

Holy Relic
His DPS potential is not large, but it is in the Holy Relic Cast her distance and the area is fairly large.
Lightning Zap
At first I thought it was Zap Lightning damage by PATK Guardian, but it was still MATK Guardian. DPS potential is very small so it does not need to be increased.

Electric Smite
If there is no hammering Sacred and Holy Kick, Electric Smite can be placed into five DPS Skill., So it was nice to Max.
Shin Breaker + Armor Break + Shield Charge
This skill has a Potential Third DPS rather small. If you like one of them, could raise Armor Break because it only took 9 Skill Point (+ 1 Skill Ring) and Potential DPS most.
Stance of Faith
Stance of Faith level 6 is sufficient for 10x Spam Divine Ascension.
Divine Ascension  vs Guardian Force
The third requires the skill Bubble of Block / SoF, so it can be mutually conflicting. The DPS potential is spam 10x Divine Ascension EX when Stance of Faith. At Nest / Raid, spam Divine Ascension was not possible because of party friends would have been more in need of Guardian Force. You need to remember that the Guardian's position more towards the importance of safety Tanker Party. Therefore you need to be smart to look at the situation that will not harm anyone else, unless you only play Solo Dungeon / Nest.
Divine Vengeance
DPS potential is also quite large in PVE but not by Divine Ascension. So it is better than the Spam Divine Ascension Divine Vengeance.
Divine Avatar + Thor Hammer
I raise these two Ultimate Skill. Divine Avatar I use for Nest / Raid when exigent circumstances only, whereas I use when Thor Hammer solo leveling / dungeon or sometimes upon Nest.
Justice Crash
50% cooldown reduction Crash Justice could make second place. Justice Crash EX also has Debuff enemy damage reduction which is very useful when it becomes Tanker.

Build PVP
I never made a Skill Build for PVP so please be advised that chaotic.

Divine Combo + Holy Kick 
Skill required for guardian in PVP. Holy Kick likely Stun large enough. Had Ladder Cap Cap 90 is returned as 80, possibly using Jade Stun Stun will increase the likelihood of more frequent again,
Holy Bolt
Thanks for the info, Holy Bolt 11 level can bind an enemy for 2 seconds in PVP.
Sliding Knee Kick
Can you Raise to 6 or 1 to adjust the gameplay to you alone. Excess level 6 is the addition of the attacks have cast end.

Holy Relic + Sacred Hammering + Lightning Zap
My third try this skill in Practice Mode and the damage is not too great. Sacred Hammering pain is tolerable at Level 11, but the duration Buff too fast in PVP.

Elecric Smite
Still one skill that damage is great in PVP.
Shin Breaker + Armor Break + Shield Charge
Among the three who have the skill passable damage in PVP is Armor Break level 11. You can only swap skill point of other skills, such as not raising Sliding Knee Kick Skill Point and all the rest entered into Armor Break until level 10.
Stance of Faith
Stance time difference between the level of 6 to 11 only 2 seconds. So I guess the level 6 alone is sufficient to withstand such attacks Tracking Arrow etc.
Divine Ascension + Divine Vengeance
I raise both this skill in PVP for a counter attack while block.

Justice Crash
The skill required to max

Skill Heraldry
Tipe 1 (Tanker)
- Stance of Faith (buff duration)
- Iron Will (buff duration)
- Divine Avatar (cooldown)
- Block (cooldown)
Optional: Electric Smite, Holy Relic, Divine Ascension (damage), Divine Punisment (Buff Duration)

Tipe 2 
- Half Turn Kick (action speed)
- Holy Kick (action speed)
- Divine Ascension (damage)
- Electric Smite (damage)
Optional: Block, Divine Avatar/Thor Hammer(cooldown), Holy Relic (damage), Divine Punisment. Iron Will (Buff Duration)

- Half Turn Kick (action speed)
- Holy Kick (action speed)
- Block (cooldown)
- Justice Crash (cooldown)
Optional: Divine Avatar(cooldown), Electric Smite (damage), Stomping Kick (action speed)

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