Light Fury is one of the featured Healer in Cap 80. How not called seed, LF has a damage buff, minus damage, and Heal large element. It used to be but now (cap 90), some Buff and Heal reduced. This makes users feel apprehensive LF position will be replaced by Saint. Skill Build in the discussion this time I'll give you the DPS Skill and Skill Build several options.
Armor: AGI + VIT
Weapon + Ring: ATK + AGI atau Light + AGI
Earring + Necklace: AGI + VIT
Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Wind, Life Vitality, Health, Shinning (Iron Wall), Tent, Fatal dan Bear/Ultimate
Skill Build
This built my allotment for Pure PVE player.
I do not want carelessly recommend DPS Skill nice Cap 90. Therefore, I will give a list of DPS calculations Skill:
Equip / gear that I use is Light Fury PATK type
Fan of Edge
Piercing Strike
Piercing Strike could be the next choice if you feel less suited to Fan of Edge. Damage is certainly not too big but the mechanical skill much easier. You do not need to be adjacent to the Boss for a full hit, you need to do is just throwing Shuriken from afar.
Shadow Hand
In Cap 80, Shadow Hand had better DPS than Cap 90. Unfortunately nerf / DPS reduction experienced by Shadow Hand. At level 6, Shadow Hand get an extra 25% damage, but DPS still can not beat Piercing Strike and Fan of Edge.
Why not raise MP Recovery?
Hmm, I think Light Fury is not wasteful MP Job
This is the reason I left 30 Skill Point, because still confused bin troubled choose the most convenient to use for the Skill DPS. I had to pick 2 of 5 Skill Skill above
I was optimistic because Outbreak get improved Damage Board, but was not able to boost its position to the TOP 5 DPS. Ironically Potential Outbreak DPS even less with all the skill in Line Abyss Walker.
Weapon + Ring: ATK + AGI atau Light + AGI
Earring + Necklace: AGI + VIT
Heraldry + Talisman
Destruction, Wind, Life Vitality, Health, Shinning (Iron Wall), Tent, Fatal dan Bear/Ultimate
Skill Build
This built my allotment for Pure PVE player.
Why am I leaving 30 Skill Point?
Because I am going to give you his choice DPS Skill
I do not want carelessly recommend DPS Skill nice Cap 90. Therefore, I will give a list of DPS calculations Skill:
Equip / gear that I use is Light Fury PATK type
1. Blue = Kill in Assassin Tree
2. Orange = Skill with Light Attack
3. Purple = Skill with Dark Attack
Let's start story telling ...
Fan of Edge vs Piercing Strike vs Shadow Hand (Level 26)
Fan of Edge
A few days ago someone asked what DPS Skill beat Fan of Edge, Assassin Skill Tree? Full Hit DPS is certainly nothing beats Fan of Edge, but do not forget it is only a calculation on paper. The reality in Nest, some people have difficulties to do a Full Hit FoE because our position must be adjacent to the enemy. If you are familiar and skilled in using Fan of Edge, I suggest keep raising Fan of Edge. Full Hit Fan of Edge is 6 Hit and each hit the same as the Board damage it. I will go into the calculation DPS:
- 1 Hit = 14 491
- 2 Hit = 28 982
- 3 Hit = 43 473
Well, hit 3 Hit N DPS almost the same as Full Piercing Strike Hit. Therefore, I always put a Fan of Edge as the first choice in Assassin Skill Tree.
Piercing Strike
Piercing Strike could be the next choice if you feel less suited to Fan of Edge. Damage is certainly not too big but the mechanical skill much easier. You do not need to be adjacent to the Boss for a full hit, you need to do is just throwing Shuriken from afar.
Shadow Hand
In Cap 80, Shadow Hand had better DPS than Cap 90. Unfortunately nerf / DPS reduction experienced by Shadow Hand. At level 6, Shadow Hand get an extra 25% damage, but DPS still can not beat Piercing Strike and Fan of Edge.
Why not raise MP Recovery?
Hmm, I think Light Fury is not wasteful MP Job
Outbreak vs Illusion Strike vs Night Exploison vs Plasma Burst vs Shadow Focus
This is the reason I left 30 Skill Point, because still confused bin troubled choose the most convenient to use for the Skill DPS. I had to pick 2 of 5 Skill Skill above
I was optimistic because Outbreak get improved Damage Board, but was not able to boost its position to the TOP 5 DPS. Ironically Potential Outbreak DPS even less with all the skill in Line Abyss Walker.
Illusion Strike
Who would have thought it Abysswalker Top DPS could become TOP DPS also for Light Fury (type PATK). Although this skill has a great potential of DPS, I was hesitant. The reason is more effective Illusion Strike for Single Target (the enemy).
Shadow Focus
Want to know why Shadow Focus can be in position 4, as cooldown be very fast which is 5 seconds. This means that if you use this skill every 5 seconds and the potential DPS will be the same as the above. Compared with lllusion Strike, Shadow Focus has a wider area. Tasks you just have to be clever to rotate skill that has Dark Burn, so Shadow Focus can diguanakan every 5 seconds. One thing to remember, if you choose Shadow Focus then you should use a Skill Ring +1 to damage it more leverage.
Night Exploison vs Plasma Burst
Honest to this article made my choice between Night Exploison fixed and Plasma Burst. Both have a fairly wide area attacks and Casting time fast. Plasma Burst even have IFrames and I often use to evade enemy attacks. DPS different but pretty much the Night Explosion.

From the above data, I have three options:
1. Night Explosion + Plasma Burst (Main priority)
2. Night Explosion + Shadow Focus
3. Night Explosion + Illusion Strike
Why do I continue to give you a choice?
Because I prefer the discussion of Skill Build than I should immediately give Skill Build.
Summon Shadow
This shadow is already in the Top 3 DPS Light Fury since the cap 80. The majority of users Bringer do not know exactly how much damage from the Shadow. Based on information from the forum KDN, the greatest damage Summon Shadow is 1980% (Dark Damage) + 5432% (Light Damage). Score is exactly what I enter in the above calculations.
Ring Strike EX
In Cap 80, Ring Strike could become TOP DPS skill for Light Fury. Damage is based on the number of hits. In the table above I used a total of 20x Hit (average value). I'm not sure how many total Hit maximum of Ring Strike, because some experiments I've to 26 Hit. If you successfully use the Ring Strike up 24-26 each time cast, then these skills will remain a DPS TOP Light Fury. Do not forget to use the Skill +1 for Ring Strike yes.
Line of Darkness
Her DPS is not so big but from the cap 80 I've used to use.
Pact of Ajna
Summon this one is rather difficult to calculate the potential damage it does, because it is very complex skill. Some people say that Izuna Drop Cat = 1x Board Damage and throw Shuriker = 2.5x Damage Board. I once tried to calculate the potential damage it by calculating the total damage that can be done in 1 minute Ajna. After the trial sebayak 3x, I get an estimate DPS Pact of Ajna lv 1 is {(1.5 x PATK) x Dark Attack}. Maybe any of you ever trial?
Dark Conviction
I wonder at this skill Damage Board at Cap 90 is 3128%. Does the developer forgot that Dark Conviction Full Board hit = 12.5x damage it. Means the greatest damage potential is 3128% x 12.5 = 39100%, well exceeding Bug Miracle relic: P.
Sunshine Spark
Skill Potential DPS at a discount of more than 60%. Disappointed though, because Sunshine Spark is my pledge to PVE skill in Cap 80. Expect the developer terketuk back door of his heart to raise the damage it does,
Finally, the first complete Tales Build ..
Pure PVE Build already, now the second time of Skill Build ..
Built I use to PVE / PVP + Ladeer
I would not describe at length to Build this, because the energy has been drained by the first Build.
Triple Edge + Shadow Hand (6) + Piercing Strike (6) + Dirty Trick (6)
Skill supplies for combo in PVP. Shadow Hand (Level 6) has a large Super Armor Break, Piercing Strike 2x (Level 6) can be used to knock the opponent or in installments from afar, Triple Edge can dikombo with Piercing Strike and dirtry Trick (Level 6) can lift the fallen enemy.
Ring Strike
Increase Ring Strike damage per level in PVP is not too big, but I use this build for PVE as well. Therefore, I still scaling up to MAX to assist DPS in PVE.
Healing of Ajna
Total heal her indeed be cute ie 0.4% HP per 2 seconds, but in PVP is quite useful to help Heal and banish the enemy attacks like Tracking Arrow etc.
Illusion Strike
You can choose between Illusion Strike, Night Explosion and Plasma Burst. Of Cap 80, I always raise Illusion Strike level 16 / max for Bringer PVP. Damage difference between level 1 and 16 / max sizable and distance attacks too far (quite make nyicil).

Built I use to PVE / PVP + Ladeer
I would not describe at length to Build this, because the energy has been drained by the first Build.
Triple Edge + Shadow Hand (6) + Piercing Strike (6) + Dirty Trick (6)
Skill supplies for combo in PVP. Shadow Hand (Level 6) has a large Super Armor Break, Piercing Strike 2x (Level 6) can be used to knock the opponent or in installments from afar, Triple Edge can dikombo with Piercing Strike and dirtry Trick (Level 6) can lift the fallen enemy.
Ring Strike
Increase Ring Strike damage per level in PVP is not too big, but I use this build for PVE as well. Therefore, I still scaling up to MAX to assist DPS in PVE.
Healing of Ajna
Total heal her indeed be cute ie 0.4% HP per 2 seconds, but in PVP is quite useful to help Heal and banish the enemy attacks like Tracking Arrow etc.
Illusion Strike
You can choose between Illusion Strike, Night Explosion and Plasma Burst. Of Cap 80, I always raise Illusion Strike level 16 / max for Bringer PVP. Damage difference between level 1 and 16 / max sizable and distance attacks too far (quite make nyicil).
Line of Darkness
Skill grievous in PVP, especially for Low Dev Job, like Majesty, Smasher et al.
Dark Conviction
Ring equal to the Strike, Dark Conviction I use for PVE only, whereas for PVP better use Ring of Energy.
Skill Heraldry
- Chakra Miracle (cooldown)
- Ring Strike (damage)
- Line of Darkness (damage)
- Dark Conviction (damage/cooldown)
PVE (Support):
- Chakra Miracle (cooldown)
- Chakra of Healing (cooldown)
- Chakra of Energy (cooldown)
- Chakra of Cure (cooldown)
- Chakra Miracle (cooldown)
- Line of Darkness (damage)
- Sunshine Spark (action speed)
- Chakra of Energy (heal rate)
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